In Search Of A Proper Term Paper Outline Format Example
You may think what the need of making outline of an article is, the reason is, outline is a skeleton of the complete report and with the help of outline you can complete your essay easily. Outline is the basic structure of your entire paper and you should make an outline of your project before start writing the report of your project. Outline will reduce your effort and you will get a preview of your essay and you will understand, whether any kind of modification of your project, is required or not from this outline. Advantage of making outline is you will not miss any points if check your paper with the outline. Another advantage of outline is it gives a small preview about the contents of your essay to the reader.
Term paper outline format
Outline should be written in a proper way; otherwise it will not be helpful for your work. Try to follow a standard format while you are making outline for your research paper. You may follow the following structure:
- Try to make an index of the entire thing first.
- Next part is introduction and this part will contain problem statement, terms definition and frame works, method of research and works, hypothesis, review of previous works which are related to your work, future scopes and limitations of your paper. Basically this part will is the most important part of a research paper and should be correct. This part should not contain any kind of writing which is not relevant to your work.
- Body will come after introduction and here you will give information and data about your research work. Content of this part can be divided into two categories. One part is case study and another one is analysis of your work. First part will contain history of the topic and related works, benefits that reader will get from your project, user friendly and eco friendly nature, reason of choosing the topic where second part will contain procedure of your work, data you get from your research work, formulas and materials you have used in your project, relation with current environments.
- Last part is conclusion, this will summary of your entire work, future prospects and bibliography. Summary will represent the whole thing in few lines and future scope will help the reader to work with this topic and improve the thing in future. Bibliography will contain references from which you got help at the time of working.