What Is The Key To Writing A Perfect Case Study?

Writing an academic paper is a chance to present your argument or make your case in a cohesive and clear fashion. It is a chance for you to prove your analytical and critical thinking skills. No matter the department you will be tasked with multiple chances to prove these skills.

Begin writing early. You may not think you are “ready” to write, but even getting your thoughts down on paper will help you to initiate your creativity. Do not just transcribe what you found in other sources, but use that as a beginning step in the discovery and exploration process.

  • Do not try to write your essay in order from beginning to end. Instead, write whatever part of your paper is readiest. If you know that you have one solid piece of evidence for your argument but you are unsure of how to start the introduction, then write that one solid piece and expound upon it, then go back and finish the other sections when the inspiration strikes. You might not yet know how a section will fit into the larger picture, or if it fits at all, but don’t let that stop you from getting the ideas down on paper.
  • Even though you are writing freely, make sure to keep the overall purpose of your paper in mind as you write. You want to try and keep the organization of your paper in mind as you write the draft. You will start to see an outline unfold and slowly evolve even if it takes no form beyond that of a scattered set of notes.
  • After you write your draft, you need to begin revising in an extensive manner. Do not write one rough draft, edit it for spelling, and then submit it. Instead, realize that you will write a handful of drafts, and spend a lot of time going through the whole essay to review composition before you review line by line for errors. When you review information for composition, you should be rearranging the content so that it makes your argument better. You should be adding to areas that lack sufficient evidence and taking away areas that have repetition or unnecessary information. This type of revision requires a few days away from the draft before you attend to it. During this time your subconscious has time to mull it over and you can return to the work in an objective manner.